Imizamo Yethu Water Platform in Digest of SA Architecture
Imizamo Yethu Water Platform in Digest of SA Architecture
Congratulations to Mike Louw, Senior Lecturer, and the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics at the University of Cape Town for their project feature in the 21st Digest of South African Architecture.
The article features their 2016 Water Platform, for which Tensile Cables was a Project Partner. Read more in our article last year – UCT’s Annual Imizamo Yethu Water Platform. Tensile Cables supplied the stainless steel cables needed for a bottle cap roofing structure at the water platform at the informal settlement in Hout Bay, Cape Town.
On the back of the recent horrendous fires in the settlement, it is a reminder of the incredibly poor infrastructure in an informal settlement of this size, and the daily challenges residents face for basic amenities.
In Imizamo Yethu an estimated 9464 households (as surveyed by the Solid Waste Department of the City of Cape Town in May 2011) make use of shared toilets and taps – this means that the service ratio in the settlement is 61.1 households per toilet and a staggering 394.3 households per tap.
UCT’s Water Platform takes on this challenge annually by uplifting and dignifying areas were residents gather for washing and bathing.
Thank you to Mike Louw and the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics at the University of Cape Town for the opportunity to be involved on such a significant project, and congratulations on your efforts to date.
See the full article here.