The Race to Zero GBCSA

The Race to Zero – Green Building Convention 2018

The 11th Annual Green Building Convention will be taking place from the 3 – 5 Oct 2018 at the Century City Convention Centre in Cape Town.

This year the convention theme is: THE RACE TO ZERO. There will be a focus on buildings that achieve net zero carbon emissions, as well as building with net-zero water, waste and ecological impact.

This year the convention will be run slightly differently. Now you can select the parts of the convention that interest you the most. You can customise your experience and pay according to what you attend.

Thanks to the Green Building Council of South Africa, since its launch in 2007, green building has been growing exponentially in South Africa, and it continues to do so. It took six years to certify the first 100 buildings and less than a year and a half to reach 200 in September 2016. Just over a year later, we now have more than 300 certified green buildings in South Africa.

Take a look at this year’s convention video below, and visit the GBCSA website for more details.

Also read more about the My Green Home project featured in our July 2018 newsletter, an initiative between the Green Building Council in collaboration with the C40 Cities.